1. Earn $1000 a week and spend $900 = Bliss
2. Earn $1000 a week and spend $1100 = Misery
The fact that I used a figure of $1000 is of no consequence as it can $100 or $10 a week depending on where you live in the world. The principal is the same. Spending more that you earn is a recipe for disaster in the long run.
Why is this not taught in school?
However, most do not get this simple fact. They buy on credit and pay the minimum balance on their credit cards and hope it will all work out when they win the lottery.
If you are banking on a lottery win to fix your finances then you are living in dreamland.
If you are in debt, you can become debt free if you make a decision to follow this simple plan and sign up to a debt repayment plan.
Here is how to use a simple debt repayment plan.
Here is some advice on the type of loans to avoid.
See also payday loan scams and personalloansny
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